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Senior Class Gift 2023-24

Participation Drive
Support Missouri State University

Senior Class Gift 2023-24

 Senior Class Gift

As you prepare to embark on the next chapter of your life, it is time to leave your mark on the university that has shaped you into the individual you are today. The senior class gift is an initiative to allow graduating seniors to give back to the areas of campus that have impacted them the most. You can give to your college, department, student organization and so much more! Seniors can truly "give where they care!" Participating in this initiative gives seniors access to a limited edition mug at the Winter Grad Finale in the fall, or Grad Bash in the Spring. You will also receive your senior class gift participation cord to be worn at graduation. Your participation is a way for you to make your MissouriSTATEment and change the lives of future bears!

How it Works!

Give: Give a gift of $20.24 to an area of your choosing on campus

Share: Share the campaign on social media or through a sharing link to make your gift go farther


 Grad Bash May 9th 2024

Spring 2024 graduates who have participated in the senior class gift will receive a limited edition class year mug as a gift and a cord that can be picked up at Grad Bash. All graduating Seniors are invited to the event!

Join us in building a legacy of gratitude!

Come together as a class, make our mark, and ensure that future students have the same incredible opportunities and experiences that you have enjoyed during your time on campus. Your contribution, no matter the size, will make a lasting difference. Leave a legacy of gratitude that will be remembered for years to come!

your gift to a Fund
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